YEAR: 2025 This poster is a fun mix of structure and chaos. It follows the strict, clean layout of the DIN paper format—neat grids, balanced spacing—but contrasts that with the free, unpolished spirit of punk. The idea was to let these two worlds clash in a way that feels playful rather than forced. It’s a…
YEAR: 2022-2025 (Ongoing) DESCRIPTION (DE) De-escalative Design – Die Geste in einer totalen Institution, zur Ausarbeitung einer Gestaltungs-Methodik auf zivilen Seenotrettungsschiffen im zentralen Mittelmeer. KONTEXTSeit 2022 arbeite ich zusammen mit Studierenden und der Organisation Sea-Watch an Projekten zur Unterstützung der zivilen Seenotrettung. Im Rahmen dieser Kooperation haben wir Gestaltungsmittel erprobt, um Lücken zu schließen, für…
YEAR: 2023 DESCRIPTION (DE) Der Wegweiser e.V. hat die Studiengruppe (SI) angefragt, gemeinsam eine Plakatkampagne zu entwickeln, die in Schaukästen der Hausflure von 5.000 Mehrfamilienhäusern im Landkreis Leipzig gezeigtwerden soll. BETEILIGTE: Daniel Kobert, Natalia Werner, Lynn Fuchs KONTEXT:Mit der Kampagne sollen die Bewohner: innen über häusliche und sexualisierte Gewalt aufgeklärt und sensibilisiert werden, um sich…
YEAR: 2023-2025 Cover design and Custom Type for J.Slevin Doubble EP Katakomben & WAHN produced by Formula.Fotography by @falsche_bewegung_41 Laster EP by J.Slevin and INSPEKTAH. Album Bis die Bubble Platzt by J.Slevin.
Schüler:innen Kalender
Year: 2023 Layout and Illustrations for a Student Calendar – Die Falken e.V. This project was developed in collaboration with Lena Schliemann and members of the youth organization Die Falken e.V. to raise awareness about the realities students face, amplify criticism of the school system, and inform students about their rights. A special focus of…
YEAR: 2022-23 Participents: Lorenz Bohlmann, Yuni Byun, Katja Ulbrich, Luka Vonderau, Johanna Wendel, Lynn Fuchs Every year, thousands of people attempt the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea in search of safety and a better future. Since 2014, over 25,000 migrants have been reported missing in the Mediterranean. To respond to this humanitarian crisis, the…
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Year: 2022 Logo design for the anti-fascist collective who is active in researching the so called Institute for State Policy and the new-right networks around Götz K. and other far-right-extremists.
ENTRY: Literatur Fest Luzern
YEAR: 2019 The poster design for the call for entries for the Literaturfest Luzern 2020 aims to visually capture the explosive power of literature, placing the theme of literature as a powerful, gripping, and sometimes shocking force at the center. The entry for the poster competition secured second place. »Living in a bookshop is like…